The team
We are now 9 people working together with Michèle Cros, the creator, to manufacture and distribute our beautiful range of cosmetics !Who are we ?Let us introduce ourselves.
Brand founder
One day, I decided to give up my job to start studying medicinal plants I've been attracted to since my childhood.
I became passionate about the search for knowledge of plants, based on current methods of study and documents that go back to the sources of the oldest traditions.
Thanks to all these experiences and encounters, I have definitively "plunged" my hands and my heart into the raw and pure plant material. Discreetly but tenderly welcomed by the green and gentle soil of Anjou, I put all my creativity at the service of living, raw products, bursting with active plant ingredients. Their efficiency in the skin's beauty is a treasure to be appreciated every day. This is how the Douces Angevines were born, almost 30 years ago!

Manufacturing manager and regulatory assistant
Along with Michèle, I take care of the production, prepare the macerations and manage the stocks of raw materials. I am also in charge of the certification and audits with Corinne.
My encounter with the Douces Angevines is a happy coincidence. I used to work as a pharmacy assistant but I've always dreamt of a manual work related to aromatherapy and phytotherapy. I contacted the Douces Angevines 9 years ago and I got lucky because their assistant was retiring at the same time!
Working at Douces Angevines is for me a chance to have a privileged daily contact with the plant world and its products. I appreciate working with respect for the pure and living materials, in consciousness, with the nature that I deeply love.
What is your favorite product?
The choice is extremely difficult because my preferences vary according to the seasons and my needs! At the moment, I particularly like the Flora balm which brings an immediate glow to my skin. Its fine and delicate scent puts me in a good mood to start my day! " Io what I am » for its deep and bewitching scent, which comforts me.
The scrub Lumière for its immediate healthy glow effect! It is magic!
Co manager
I am Michèle's husband. I joined the workshop in 2016 to help my wife with the administrative and financial aspects of the business. However, since versatility is a must in small businesses, I am very happy to be involved in communication matters. Also, "working" in a family project, with a deep meaning, on a human scale, is a privilege.
What is your favorite product?
L'huile à BarbeHuile à Barbebecause it has become more of a ritual than a beard oil, because I feel that after the shower, my whole face needs it. And because its butterfly ginger scent is really invigorating and energizing.

In charge of management and supplies (containers, tags, and other materials...)
Having made my entire career in a multinational company, the choice of Les Douces Angevines was a radical change of environment for me. I found the versatility I was looking for in the work world, and above all a much more harmonious family life.
I thus found a good professional and family balance, and a very friendly team, even if the male gender is not in the majority ;-))
What is your favorite product?
Bois d’Amyris : allows me to energize my legs before a run and Acrobate for the next day, for its muscle recovery power as it increases circulation.
Chargée de communication et web marketing
I am Ellya, new to Douces Angevines as Communication and Web Marketing Manager. Passionate about wellness and beauty, joining this team is a golden opportunity!
My role? To lead you everyday to help you discover the sweet world of Douces Angevines. From creating inspiring content to managing our social networks, through our website, I’m here to share tips, tricks, and all the good reasons to adopt natural beauty for you or your favorite institutes and retailers!
My mission? Bring our visual universe to life, creating graphics that reflect the essence of our products and making sure that every image and message speaks to you and touches you.
What is your favorite product?
Anja I loved the texture and scent of this fluid that envelops my skin with softness while leaving it plump and with a wonderfully luminous complexion.

Commercial Director
Bientôt 18 ans que je suis entrée dans l’univers Douces Angevines… des milliers de kilomètres parcourus pour aller à la rencontre de nos revendeurs, 18 ans de belles rencontres et de témoignages chaleureux… Savoir choisir le point de vente le plus adapté à une belle mise en avant de notre gamme, transmettre les informations techniques. Et donner envie à mes clients de transmettre à leur tour les valeurs de nos produits ! Au quotidien la conscience de défendre une marque en accord parfait avec mes propres valeurs.
What is your favorite product?
Its very hard for me to choose my favorite product: Fantômette pour son efficacité incroyable. Aube d’été pour sa lumière, sa gaieté, et son air printanier. Magnifica pour le lâcher-prise qu’il procure. Je ne peux définitivement pas choisir !
J’ai découvert la marque Douces Angevines par échos, par la presse et en magasins bio. Précédemment jardinière paysagiste, j’étais dans une période de transition professionnelle. Je cherchais une orientation dans une structure à dimension humaine qui me permettrait de conserver un lien avec le végétal, tout en étant plus proche de la féminité, du bien-être et si possible de l’univers bio auquel j’étais déjà sensibilisée. Les Douces Angevines réunissaient tous ces critères.
Peut-être une synchronicité, j’ai frappé à la porte au moment où l’entreprise projetait de renforcer son équipe. Mon parcours correspondait au profil recherché… Après une période de stage, j’ai eu le bonheur de décrocher mon tout premier cdi.
Les Douces Angevines marked a turning point in my professional and personal life. They gave me the opportunity to put an end to a long period of precariousness rythmed by a succession of seasonal jobs and other fixed-term contracts. They improved the quality of my life and allowed me to finally start planning a more peaceful future.
Douces Angevines in a few words are for me: Renewal, Atypical, Diversity.
What is your favorite product?
With Rose Waterbecause I love its scent but above all it respects my very sensitive skin. After application, my skin is as soft as a baby's. Its nickname - "caress scrub" is just perfect! Fantômette, car c’est le nettoyant démaquillant le plus doux que j’ai connu. Fini les sensations de brûlures sur les paupières et autres désagréments. Mon compagnon fidèle et apaisant au quotidien dont je ne pourrais plus me passer !

Beautician trainer
I met Douces Angevines 20 years ago!
I was living in Morbihan, where I heard about the brand for the first time. The name, the method of manufacture issued from ancestral knowledge and the garden of Beauty made me immediately want to discover these famous fluids. I bought Aube d'Eté, le Baume de Diane and I literally fell for it!
Life took care of the rest of the story. My husband was transferred to Angers a few months later, and then I asked Michèle Cros if she would be willing to receive me. I just wanted to visit the studio and meet her in person.
Douces Angevines in a few words for me would be: authenticity, purity, pleasure of the senses.
What is your favorite product?
My addictions: Baume de Diane for its gentleness and sweetness
Gazelle for its tone, its momentum, Olea Antica for its divine scent, its finesse.
Commerciale indépendante (dept 54, 67 et 68)
Beautician in my own institute and independent commercial agent for departments 54, 67 and 68.
I first met Douces Angevines while looking for the most organic and pure brand possible for my beauty space, then I had the opportunity to work for the brand.
I love introducing professionals to the scents, textures and unique characteristics of the brand, and to beauticians in particular. They feel a little bit like magicians to be able to prepare masks, to make their potions to adapt their care to their clients. With Douces Angevines, they find their creativity to bring a personalized beauty. Thanks to Douces Angevines, I am delighted to see them evolve in their job.
I like working with Douces Angevines for the authenticity, the values, the independence, the quality of the products and the love of plants.
What is your favorite product?
My favorite product is Après le Soleil. Its velvety texture disarms me. Its smell carries me away and its repairing virtues are exceptional. I don't use it every day but it has become a summer and winter habit whenever my skin is in pain or needs more care than usual.
Contact Françoise : contact@effledy.fr

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