Harmony of Rhythms
The ancestral methods and know-how (choice of plants, macerations, digestions, concentrations) have always known how to use the sun, the moon, and human motion as natural chemical catalysts. The soft and slow macerations follow the rhythm of nature and through this respectful and tender work, the plants give the best of themselves.

Mystery of Macerates
Ils sont le coeur des cosméto-fluides. Dans un lent inspir les plantes fraîches et sèches issues du jardin ou de la cueillette sauvage, infusent dans une douce chaleur et se marient tendrement aux huiles. La non violence est reine pour une fusion parfaite. L’alchimie végétale se réalise à la température du jour pour préserver les précieux principes actifs.
The Art of Capturing Solar and Lunar Energies
Solar macerations use the Yang energy of the sun to revitalize. The formulas then rest in the dark to benefit from the Yin lunar forces that harmonize and complete the transformations. Your fluid transmits all the active force of life intact.

A Harvest Between Earth & Sky
According to the principles updated by Biodynamics, the stars have an influence on the plants. We take this into account during cultivation and harvesting. The pickers choose the right moments in the cosmic cycles of nature, so that the part of the plant that is harvested and worked on is filled with its best energy.
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